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Rents are skyrocketing across Australia but not in the nation's capital. This is why

Surging, record-high rental prices coupled with record-low vacancy rates.
It's a tale renters around the country are all too familiar with, and one that was reinforced once again by this week's Domain rental report.
But there was one notable outlier in the data.
Housing property in Canberra.
While rental prices are surging across much of the nation, they're far more stable in Canberra. (Chris Lane/AFR)
While advertised rental prices for units rose 12.9 per cent in Sydney, 14.6 per cent in Melbourne, 18 per cent in Brisbane and a whopping 22.2 per cent in Perth over the last year, in Canberra they were only up 3.6 per cent.
The difference was even starker when it came to house rentals.
All the mainland state capitals saw double-digit price rises, but they actually fell 0.7 per cent in Canberra.
So why, when rents are skyrocketing across the country, are the increases far more moderate in the nation's capital?
The ACT is the only state or territory in Australia that limits how much landlords can increase rent.
Unless there are exceptional circumstances, a hike can't be more than 110 per cent of rental inflation in the territory – so if the average rental increase in the ACT is 3 per cent, landlords are allowed to impose an increase of 3.3 per cent.
So is that why Canberra prices haven't been rising as high as other capitals?
The only Aussie capital where homes average under $500,000
"It's hard to know, would be my initial reaction," Associate Professor Ben Phillips, principal research fellow at ANU's Centre for Social Research and Methods, told
"My sense would be that the rent caps in the ACT probably remove the most egregious forms of record increases.
"Some landlords try really crazy rent increases. And that will still go on to some extent, but it probably gets a little bit limited.
"It has probably assisted in that regard but it probably doesn't explain much as to why the current rental market is not ballooning like some other parts of Australia."
What Phillips says is a more significant factor is something governments around the country are trying desperately to address: supply.
While vacancy rates in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide are all under 1 per cent – they're sitting at 0.3 per cent in the latter two – Canberra's is 1.4 per cent.
A construction site
Canberra's housing supply is helping moderate its rental increases. (Dion Georgopoulos/AFR)
That's still in landlord-friendly territory, but far closer to the 2-3 per cent that Domain considers a balanced market than the other capitals.
"Unlike many other jurisdictions around the country, (the ACT) still has a pretty good supply of housing going in," Phillips says.
"We've got a lot of units. We've also got we've also got some growth in detached housing.
"So our market at the moment in Canberra is reasonably well supplied, we've got a higher vacancy rate than many other jurisdictions.
"So that probably is the main explanation. I don't think it has too much to do with the rent caps."
All of this isn't to say rent in Canberra is cheap. 
According to Domain, houses are more expensive to let there than any capital outside Sydney, while only the NSW capital and Brisbane have pricier rental units.
That could point to the ACT reaching a point where the market is unable to afford rent increases anymore – something Oxford Economics Australia said will contribute to a rental price slowdown in the next three years.
"There's probably an element of that," Phillips said.
However, he said while the situation is bad now, it's actually slightly better than what it was a decade ago.
"All rents have increased sharply in the last 18 months, but also it was very flat for about 10 years before that," he said.
"So sometimes it helps to think about these things in a longer term in terms of affordability.
"Affordability has deteriorated, but overall rental affordability is probably slightly better now than it was 10 years ago.
"That probably seems hard to believe, but if you look at the ABS CPI, that's what's happening for the whole market.
"But yes, for advertised rents at the moment, they are ballooning, there's no doubt about it."

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