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Leaked emails reveal paramedics' concerns before man's ramping death

A Gold Coast man has died from a heart attack after he waited hours in the back of an ambulance.
The 78-year-old man arrived at Gold Coast University Hospital last Tuesday in an ambulance suffering a severe diabetic complication.
According to emails leaked to 9News, the patient was triaged and ramped at 4.43pm but paramedics were worried. 
A Gold Coast man has died from a heart attack after he waited hours in the back of an ambulance.
A Gold Coast man has died from a heart attack after he waited hours in the back of an ambulance. (Nine)
The emails said the "ramped paramedic crews completed forms which indicated the patient's deterioration" and "escalated these concerns to the hospital triage and team leader".
The patient was moved from the ramp to a bed in the resuscitation area at about 6.30pm.
Within five minutes, he suffered a heart attack and was placed on life support but they later died.
Queensland ambulance vehicles.
According to emails leaked to 9News, the patient was triaged and ramped at 4.43pm but paramedics were worried. (9News)
The emails also indicated paramedics' concerns about their patient's worsening condition "were escalated on multiple occasions".
The case records prompted a blunt response from Queensland Ambulance medical director Dr Stephen Rashford, who wrote to other health bosses.
"I note the first Queensland Adult Deterioration Detection System score was three," Rashford said.
"Based upon (that score), this patient should never have remained ramped.
'"The fact a transfer of care was considered by the hospital is even more concerning.
"This case requires local escalation ASAP (as soon as possible) so the hospital can review their performance."
Queensland Health said a review was under way but backed the triage process.
"The patient, who sadly passed away, was triaged appropriately and assessed immediately on arrival at the Emergency Department," it said in a statement.
"A clinical review into the treatment is now under way."

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