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Man found guilty of manslaughter over bashing after drunken argument

By Rex Martinich • AAP
A drunken argument over sex and a years-long grudge on an island with 400 residents led to a fatal bashing and a jury considering a murder charge.
A Brisbane Supreme Court jury today found Paul Anthony Quinlan, 59, not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter over the death of Scott Pilton on May 16, 2020.
The 48-year-old died in hospital from acute bleeding on the brain just over a day after he was fatally punched by Quinlan on Lamb Island, north of Brisbane.
Scott Pilton, 48, allegedly suffered a fatal brain bleed after being bashed on Lamb Island, north of Brisbane, on May 16, 2020. (PR IMAGE)
The jurors deliberated for more than six hours before returning with their verdict.
Pilton's former wife Kathleen Turnbull cried out "no" when the not guilty verdict was read out for the murder charge.
Justice Peter Davis told the jury he knew their duty would have asked a lot of them and that their verdict of manslaughter was "reasonable".
The jury heard earlier in the seven-day trial the two men had been drinking at the home of Quinlan's girlfriend, Kimberley Lunt, on May 14.
Lunt denied Quinlan had found Pilton naked in bed with her, resulting in him dragging Pilton to the lounge room and punching him.
Defence barrister Tim Ryan cross-examined Lunt, who said she told a police officer the morning after the assault that Quinlan and Pilton had been arguing over her.
"You told (the officer) they both wanted to have sex with you?" Ryan said.
"Yes," Lunt said.
Ryan asked Lunt if Quinlan had told Pilton to leave the house and asked "what are you doing with my woman?".
"(Pilton) said 'she's everyone's woman' and then (Quinlan) punched him?" Ryan said.
Lunt replied: "I can't imagine Scott saying that about anybody."
The jury also heard covert audio recorded by an undercover police officer who pretended to be a fellow detainee when Quinlan was taken to the Brisbane Watchhouse.
Quinlan told the undercover officer he had punched Pilton multiple times in the face but it was a "crime of passion" after discovering him in bed with Lunt.
Quinlan also said he was angry at Pilton for allegedly organising for three men to assault him outside a pub six years ago.
Ryan told the jury in closing that Quinlan had been intoxicated and provoked to a point where a reasonable person would lose self-control.
The defence lawyer also pointed to the undercover police recordings as showing no signs of Quinlan having intended to kill Pilton or cause him grievous bodily harm.
Crown prosecutor Michael Lehane had earlier told the jury Quinlan admitted kicking Pilton after he fell down and he had suffered numerous facial fractures as well as brain injuries.
"Pilton was subject to one or perhaps more drunken, brutal attacks," Lehane said.
Justice Davis will decide whether to impose a sentence on Quinlan on Wednesday or at a later date.

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