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Call for SA drivers to have to be re-tested on road rules every 10 years

South Australia's peak motoring body is calling for a mandatory road rules test for drivers every 10 years before their licence can be renewed.
The review is one of a series of ideas proposed by the Royal Automobile Association (RAA) in response to the state having the highest road toll last year since 2011.
The RAA believes that this refresher test is essential for experienced drivers who may have become complacent over time. 
Drivers would have to complete a road rules test every 10 years. (Nine)
"It really is about that refresher for drivers who have been out on the road and consider themselves quite experienced," Matt Vertudaches said.
"These recommendations will go a long way in improving road safety in South Australia."
The RAA's recommendations are part of a broader action plan aimed at drastically reducing the number of lives lost and serious injuries on South Australian roads by 2031.
Currently, the state is not on track to achieve a 50% reduction in lives lost and a 30% reduction in serious injuries on South Australian roads.
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Other proposed measures include lower speed limits on some suburban streets and an investigation into restrictions on drivers and riders wearing earphones or headphones while operating a vehicle.
Matt said earphones were "a big distraction".
"You can't hear what's going on around you, it could be emergency sirens, it could be a motorcycle or truck in the next lane," he said.
This article was produced with the assistance of 9ExPress.

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