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Driver in ACT allegedly found to have 'near fatal' blood alcohol reading

A drink driver in the ACT has blown "a near-fatal" blood alcohol reading during a breath test, marking one of the highest recordings seen in the state.
The 36-year-old driver was pulled over in Strathnairn, Belconnen, about 2am yesterday after officers allegedly observed a Toyota Corolla driving erratically.
The man was breath tested and allegedly recorded a reading of .443.
A drink-driver in the ACT has blown a near-fatal blood alcohol reading during a breath test, the highest recording police have ever seen.
The man was breath tested and allegedly recorded a reading of .443. (ACT Police)
The Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) limit is .05.
Police said it was one of the highest readings ever seen in the nation's capital, describing it as a "near fatal level of alcohol" in the man's system.
The driver was issued an immediate 90-day suspension notice and will be summonsed to appear in court at a later date.
"ACT Policing reminds all drivers that impaired driving is one of the 'fatal five' causes of deaths on our roads," police said.
"If you are going to drink, please don't drive."
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