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Bigger cars, worse drivers: Why more and more Australians are getting killed on the road

Australians are buying bigger cars in record numbers at the same time the national road toll has increased to levels not seen in years.
It's not a coincidence.
"It actually is something that's quite real," Professor Stuart Newstead, director of Monash University's Accident Research Centre, told
Pedestrians walk past dual-cab utes.
Australia's road toll is surging – and big dual-cab utes are playing a role. (Joe Armao/The Age)
Despite marked improvements in the number of deaths on Australian roads in the years leading up to the pandemic, the 2020s have played host to a noticeable and deadly U-turn.
In 2023, the road toll hit 1270: the highest number of people killed on the road since 2016, and the second-worst record of the last 11 years.
At the same time, the three best-selling cars were all dual-cab utes – big, heavy vehicles that, because of their size, will typically hit pedestrians or other drivers higher on their bodies (and closer to the head) than sedans or hatchbacks.
Newstead said there's a clear link between the two, with the higher proportion of utes in Australia's collective road fleet making it less safe for everyone.
"The safety performance of utes is problematic," he said.
"It actually doesn't provide any better protection for you as an occupant. People think it's (safe) because it's big and big and tough, but certainly the trauma burden it places on the rest of the community is disproportionately high.
"And so our predilection for wanting to buy those vehicles is not improving our safety performance.
"Some interesting work we did recently showed that if we replaced the entire vehicle fleet with commercial utes, we'd actually increase the road toll by about 25 per cent.
"Which is quite an alarming statistic."
That isn't to say utes are the only factor driving the increasing deaths.
The pandemic is playing a role – in part due to the subsequent rise in population, in part due to people steering clear of public transport, and in part due to what could be reasonably summarised as people driving badly.
Four different new utes.
The Ford Ranger, Toyota Hilux, and Isuzu D-Max were Australia's three best-selling cars last year. (Ted Airey)
"The pandemic changed people's attitude to road use and road sharing and a lot of the policing agencies have seen people snap to extreme behaviour," Newstead said.
"Police have noted to a certain degree this is sort of anti-authoritarian behaviour: the 'I'm sick of being told what to do and I'm gonna do what I feel like' sort of thing.
"Things like drug and alcohol use, speeding, just a lack of community focus in using the roads.
"I think that'll gradually normalise. But there's certainly been a notable change since the pandemic."
The most popular cars for Australians in April as sales surge

What can be done to reverse the recent trend?

Australia has set itself the ambitious target of zero road deaths by 2050.
The data in the decade leading up to the pandemic was promising – the road toll dropped from 1491 in 2009 (a rate of 6.9 deaths per 100,000 people in the country) to 1145 (4.6 deaths per 100,000) in 2018.
But since 2020, the yearly toll has only risen, and 2024 is on track to be the worst year since 2009.
So what can be done to improve our road safety?
Newstead said removing the tax incentives for buying dual-cab utes would help.
30km/h speed zone to be enforced in Melbourne's inner north
30km/h speed zones are commonplace overseas but rare in Australia. (Supplied)
Buyers of the vehicles don't have to pay the luxury car tax and they are often written off as business expenses while being used for personal reasons.
Getting rid of those tax breaks wouldn't go down well with voters, given how well utes sell.
Another of Newstead's suggestions wouldn't be much more popular.
"As much as people don't want to hear it, the conversation about what is appropriate speeds for different road environments is very out of kilter in Australia," he said.
Major European cities tend to have maximum speed limits of 50km/h, and 30km/h in high-pedestrian areas, whereas Australian counterparts rarely go lower than 40km/h and can allow up to 80km/h on some busy roads.
In the regions, there's a similar story of speeds not matching the infrastructure, according to Newstead.
He says limits either need to be lowered or the safety of roads vastly improved, including by adding dividing barriers to reduce the chance of head-on crashes.
"When we talk about a safe system, it's a system where someone who makes a legitimate error – a lapse of concentration or a run off the road – but that doesn't kill them," he said.
"And currently it does."
Until a major change in Australian policy takes place, does he see any chance of hitting that ambitious target of zero road deaths?
"My personal opinion: no," he said.
"There'd have to be a radical shift in governments' willingness to focus on that integrated planning approach and investment in the key regional arterial road network.
"If it doesn't happen, we're just going to keep going around in circles."
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Auto news: This is most popular new ute in Australia.